Imagine the sun setting over a rocky outcrop in ancient Israel. Jesus stands there with his closest friends, still in awe that He is alive after they had witnessed His death. They had begun to move on, but here He was, before them. In Matthew’s Gospel, we learn that “they worshipped him, but some doubted.”
Despite their doubt, Jesus gave them a powerful commission: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations… teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” In this moment, He set the course for His followers—to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Imagine, 1800 years later, a young man named A.B. Simpson, living in Louisville, Kentucky, reading these words and realizing the magnitude of Jesus’ call. Though he lacked modern communication tools, Simpson understood the need. He knew that many would live and die without ever hearing the name of Jesus. His response was to found the Christian & Missionary Alliance (C&MA), motivated by a deep belief that people not only needed to hear the gospel but experience the love of Christ and live in a community of believers.
Thus, the C&MA was born—not to dominate cultures but to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those who had never encountered Jesus’ love. This mission is rooted in Romans 10:14: “How can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?”
This same question echoes today: How can people believe in the one they have not heard of? It’s a question of reaching as many as possible, while stewarding kingdom resources effectively, so as to bring as many people to Jesus as we can.
In the past, some evangelical methods efforts, like that of Billy & Franklin Graham’s, emphasized maximizing exposure through media and gathering. And while this is important, it’s clear now that it isn’t enough. Simply hearing the gospel, without seeing its transformative power, often leaves people disconnected. Today’s mission work has shifted from broadcasting to embedding—sending followers of Jesus to live out the kingdom life in the communities they serve.
For the C&MA, this mission is about demonstrating that true flourishing only comes through a relationship with Christ. Humans were made for communion with God, and Jesus is the bridge to fill our deepest longings. Without Him, these unfulfilled desires lead to injustice, violence, and separation from God. But this message isn’t just about eternal life—it’s about glorifying God now, living alongside Him forever.
Our church practices things like listening prayer, emotional health, story work, forgiveness, and reconciliation—not just out of routine but because we’ve experienced the love of Christ and want others to experience it too. This is a challenge for the Western church today: we must extend the healing we’ve received to others. A missionary identity is not about scarcity but abundance. We minister from the overflow of what we’ve been given because we want others to experience the same love.
David Bosch, the missiologist, captures this well: “The church exists in being sent and in building up itself for the sake of the mission.” Our purpose is to draw others to Christ and to participate in His work of reconciling the world. As Jesus said to His disciples, “As I have been sent, you have been sent.” And in 1 Peter, we see that those who have received mercy are called to be dispensers of mercy. Paul expands on this in 1 Corinthians 9, saying, “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.”
This is what the C&MA’s approach to missions is all about—simple yet powerful. We have:
One Vision - All of Jesus for All of the World
This vision reflects the C&MA’s commitment to bringing the full gospel—Jesus as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King—to every corner of the globe. The Alliance’s mission is about offering a holistic message of salvation, transformation, and healing, while meeting both physical and spiritual needs in culturally relevant ways. It’s about empowering local leaders to spread Christ’s love in their own cultures, reaching diverse people groups, especially those with limited access to the gospel. This call to action unites believers with a sense of urgency to share Jesus’ hope everywhere.
Two Gospel Outcomes
Access to the gospel for all people: This means ensuring that everyone, no matter where they are or what their background, has the opportunity to hear about Jesus.
Access to the gospel from all people: This is about empowering believers from every culture to share the gospel with others, building a global network of active participants in the mission. Together, these outcomes represent a global movement, where the good news of Christ is shared with all people and by all people.
Three Strategic Themes
Serving Communities (by being part of them): This theme emphasizes the importance of immersing in communities and building meaningful relationships. It’s about living among people, meeting both their physical and spiritual needs, and sharing the love of Christ in relevant ways.
Multiplying Church Networks (church planting): Church planting is a key way to expand the reach of the gospel, creating new spaces for worship and discipleship. It’s about establishing new churches and equipping local leaders to grow and multiply those communities of faith.
Developing People (jobs, training, ministry, etc.): This theme focuses on equipping individuals with the practical skills and spiritual growth they need to thrive. By providing jobs, training, and ministry opportunities, the Alliance helps people grow holistically in both their faith and their service to others.
Four Structures
Envision: Short-term mission opportunities and leadership development.
CAMA: Compassion-driven community service and disaster relief.
Axcess: Traditional missions, where workers are sent to difficult areas to proclaim Christ’s love.
Marketplace Ministries: Professionals working internationally in secular settings to reach the unreached.
This is how the Christian & Missionary Alliance, over generations, has continued to fulfill Jesus’ commission. And as the local church, we’re invited to participate—through prayer, building relationships, supporting missionaries financially, and sharing the gospel ourselves.
It’s about trust—believing that the Alliance is fulfilling its mission effectively. I trust the C&MA because of its proven commitment to reaching the unreached and empowering local believers. The Alliance is not perfect, but it is among the most effective organizations working to bring the gospel to those who need it most.
From stories I’ve heard and people I’ve met, I know that Alliance missionaries serve in some of the most challenging places because they trust that Jesus has not abandoned those areas. Whether in Northern Africa, the Middle East, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, or Palestine, they are the ones showing up to proclaim Jesus’ love. I hope, as you join with us, that the Alliance will earn your trust as well.
To learn more about any or all of these aspect of Alliance missions, visit: