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Remembering God’s Faithfulness in 2024

As we close out another year, it’s natural to take stock of where we’ve been and look forward to where we’re going. Transitions,

whether small or monumental, can be both exciting and overwhelming. In Joshua 4, the Israelites faced one of the greatest transitions in their history—stepping into the Promised Land after 40 years of wandering.

Before moving forward, God asked them to pause, reflect, and build an altar of remembrance. He commanded each tribe to take a stone from the Jordan River to create a tangible reminder of His faithfulness. This simple act of looking back before stepping forward is a model for us as we reflect on the year gone by and prepare for what’s ahead.

Here are five reflection questions to help you uncover the “stones” in your life from this past year and carry them into the new year.

1. Where have you seen God’s provision in your life this year?

Think about the moments when you felt cared for, even in unexpected ways. Maybe it was a job opportunity, a relationship restored, or a need met just in time. These moments are like the stones the Israelites carried—visible markers of God’s care and provision.

Take a moment: Write down one specific example where you saw God provide this year. How did it strengthen your trust in Him?

2. What challenges have you overcome by relying on God?

The Israelites crossed the Jordan River only because God made a way through the waters. Reflect on the obstacles you faced this year. Perhaps it was a health scare, a relational conflict, or a season of uncertainty. How did God walk with you through it?

Pause to reflect: What was one challenge that felt insurmountable at the time, but now you see God’s hand in helping you overcome it?

3. Who has God placed in your life to remind you of His presence?

God works through people to encourage, guide, and support us. Just as the Israelites crossed the Jordan as a community, we also journey with others.

Reflect on relationships: Who has been a source of encouragement, wisdom, or comfort to you this year? Take a moment to thank God for them and consider reaching out to express your gratitude.

4. What moments of joy or celebration reminded you of God’s goodness?

In the busyness of life, it’s easy to forget the moments of pure joy that reflect God’s heart. The Israelites’ entry into the Promised Land was a moment of celebration after years of hardship.

Capture the joy: What moment this year brought you deep joy or reminded you of God’s goodness? Write it down or share it with someone you trust.

5. How can remembering God’s faithfulness prepare you for the year ahead?

The stones the Israelites carried weren’t just for their benefit—they were for future generations. Reflecting on God’s faithfulness doesn’t just ground us; it equips us to face the future with confidence.

Look ahead: What is one area of life where you need to trust God in 2025? How can remembering His faithfulness from 2024 give you courage?

Building Your Own “Altar” of Remembrance

These questions aren’t just meant for quiet reflection—they’re a way to mark the moments when God’s hand has been unmistakable in your life. Consider creating your own “altar” of remembrance:

• Write your answers in a journal.

• Place physical objects (like stones or cards) in a visible space to remind you of God’s faithfulness.

• Share your reflections with family, friends, or your church community.

Just as the Israelites’ altar became a testimony to future generations, your reflections can serve as reminders to yourself and encouragement to others.

A Community of Stories

In our church, we’ve seen how sharing these moments brings people closer together. When someone asks, “What do these stones mean?” we get to share the stories of God’s faithfulness.

What’s your story this year? What “stones” will you carry into 2025? Take some time this week to reflect on these questions, and don’t be afraid to share your answers. Together, we can celebrate God’s goodness and walk into the new year with confidence, knowing that the same God who was faithful yesterday will be faithful tomorrow.

Happy New Year! Let’s start it by remembering and trusting the One who never changes.

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